Garbiketa Eguna 2024: Assessment and Achievements!  


The digital triathlon!

For the 5th consecutive edition of Digital Cleanup Day, Belharra has reinvented itself to offer a 100% personalized and Basque edition…  

The Garbiketa Eguna was therefore held from March 18 to 22, 2024 with a launch breakfast. What's better than croissants and chocolatines to start a great data cleaning effort?!   

As a reminder,  Digital Cleanup Day is a global day which aims to eliminate data stored in our mailboxes, the cloud, company servers, and on our personal digital devices. The objective is to become aware of our digital environmental footprint and to contribute to its reduction.

To find out more about this 2024 edition of Garbiketa Eguna, find the interview in podcast or video format with Mathieu Cheritel, marketing manager and co-organizer of this 5th edition.   


It's time for numbers!!

Drum roll…. This year we reached a record participation rate with more than 70% of employees participating! For the remaining 30%, these are simply everyday super cleaners for whom digital cleanup day is every day!   

In total,  89 GB of data were deleted in mailboxes, in the cloud and locally. These 89 GB represent 18.5 kg equivalent of CO² , i.e. 85 km by car or 69 bottles of water.

We are proud of the result obtained, a result which is once again part of our CSR approach and which continues our actions around our responsible digital labeling. As a reminder, Belharra has been certified for 1 year now and is therefore implementing actions and policies aimed at reducing its carbon footprint but more generally at being part of a healthy and sustainable environment!