Belharra, publisher of e-SCM Solutions, is certified Responsible Digital!

Belharra SAS , publisher of the e-SCM , is labeled “Responsible Digital” Level 1 by the LUCIE , the fruit of our committed and voluntary efforts in favor of digital responsibility.

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The NR label: recognition of the commitment of the Belharra/e-SCM teams

This recognition follows various steps already undertaken in the past: obtaining the “Responsible Digital Company” label delivered in 2018 by France IT and the signing of the “Responsible Digital” charter by management. We asked our local ecosystem to be supported by the Antic Pays Basque team in order to prepare the new NR label and raise awareness among internal ambassadors of a more global approach.

Belharra SAS 's approach to digital responsibility is part of our CSR policy , aiming to be an environmentally conscious, ecosystem-based company and responsible towards our employees, our customers and our partners. Our objective is to implement “Responsible Digital” best practices for a better quality of life at work and to support our clients towards responsible digital practices .

Obtaining the label is for us a real recognition of our values ​​and our commitment to responsible and sustainable digital technology.

Our NR roadmap for the next two years

To obtain the label, Belharra SAS was the subject of an audit carried out by an external firm, on the basis of a multi-criteria evaluation which evaluated our strategy and our governance, the implementation of the approach , coverage, lifecycle analysis of digital services and integration of products and services.


Following this, we identified more than 50 concrete actions to improve our performance in these areas, which earned us a score of 596 out of 1000 points. We then received recommendations from the auditor to establish our two-year engagement plan.


Our roadmap includes four main axes, with 18 flagship actions, relating to:

  • the formalization of our RN policy,
  • supporting our RN strategy,
  • responsible management of our equipment,
  • and the integration and promotion of NR in our products and services.

We are committed to continuing our efforts towards responsible digital by continuing to improve our performance and ensuring that our products and services incorporate best practices in digital responsibility .

The Responsible Digital label commits the company to a sustainable dynamic

Giving meaning to our professions : By reducing the environmental impact of digital technology, your company gives meaning to its profession and allows its employees to get involved in responsible projects. The implementation of such projects promotes digital inclusion, equal opportunities and social openness.

Improve performance : A Responsible Digital project involves a continuous improvement approach to gradually reduce the company's impact on its environment. By modernizing its processes, the company innovates, differentiates itself and enriches its value proposition.

Improve the Quality of life at work : Responsible Digital tools promote teleworking, remote cooperation, traceability of procedures and transactions for greater transparency and fairness. Accessibility and ergonomics of applications are becoming requirements of our customers or our employees.

Reduce your costs and your Carbon impact : Numerous studies have demonstrated the link between economic performance and a social responsibility (CSR) approach. Responsible Digital also creates lasting value, which can be leveraged across many often energy-intensive cost areas.

Belharra SAS aims to continue improving its performance in digital responsibility to contribute to a more responsible and sustainable digital world.