e-SCM x Première Vision: it’s not over yet! 


Première Vision and e-SCM: on the road to innovation

The Première Vision Show in Paris was an unmissable event for players in the fashion and textile industry, and e-  SCM Solutions participated on February 6, 7 and 8. We would like to thank everyone who took the time to visit our stand and discuss with us their profession and the challenges of supply in order to act upstream on the processes .


An impactful presence and exchanges

For three days, our team had the opportunity to welcome passionate and committed professionals, eager to explore the latest technological advances in supply chain management. We had enriching and constructive discussions, thus confirming the agile logistics and transparent and collaborative process management in the fashion industry.


The e-SCM Solution in the spotlight

The show  was also an opportunity to present our collaborative platform. It is designed specifically to address the complex challenges of supply chain management in the fashion industry. From planning to execution, inventory management and supplier collaboration, e-SCM provides increased visibility and control over the entire process, enabling brands to gain operational efficiency and competitiveness.


Cross-views with Collaborators

To provide a more in-depth perspective on our participation in Première Vision Paris and the impact of our solution in the industry, we had the pleasure of interviewing Yann Rialland , business developer France at e- SCM Solutions.

IN  : Hello, we are live from the Première Vision show, so first of all, who are you? 


YA  : Hello! I am Yann, salesperson, or business developer on the French market for e-SCM Solutions.


IN : Pleased Yann, can you present e-SCM in 3 words?


YA  : In 3 words I would say “Harmonize, Secure and Trace”.

Harmonizing  means having processes that will be shared with all supply players from the supplier to the transporter right through to the warehouse.

Secure  because they will be centralized in the same place, we no longer have emails and attachments that get lost throughout the ecosystem

And  Trace : today the notion of traceability is more than important, not only the physical traceability of all supply operations but also the traceability of everything upstream: the materials etc. to guarantee the consumer what they have between them. hands.

IN : And then why is e-SCM at the Première Vision show?


YA  : We are at Première Vision because we are aimed at brands and in particular at the upstream part of the brands which will do sourcing and finally at PV as on our platform, 90% of the exhibitors are the suppliers. A successful supply chain starts with the supplier, and if I want to serve my customer, I have to take care of everything upstream; upstream are the manufacturers of raw materials, all the subcontractors who assemble the shoes and clothing that you, consumers, will find in stores!


IN : Thank you Yann for your feedback!


“A successful Supply Chain starts with the supplier”


The entire e-SCM team thanks again everyone who contributed to the success of our participation in Première Vision Paris. We are more determined than ever to continue to innovate and provide cutting-edge solutions that meet the dynamic needs of the fashion industry.  

Stay connected with us for more news, exclusive content and exciting innovations in the field of supply chain management!