e-SCM x EuroSIMA: riding the waves of the supply chain 


EuroSIMA is an association but above all the meeting place where leaders of the European surf industry exchange, collaborate and shape the future of board sports. Founded in 1999, it currently has 185 members, 58 service providers and also 4,000 employees. Its mission is to bring together the various players in the board sports industry, to defend their interests and to ensure their development on a European scale. Eurosima is committed to its members to unite, promote, awaken and develop in a responsible manner.  

Every year, EuroSIMA organizes an unmissable event, the surf summit, which welcomes managers and employees of surfing companies for 2 days. This event brings together times to meet inspiring speakers, moments of relaxation to exchange and share the values ​​of the surf community.  


e  -SCM is a major player in the field of supply chain . Our almost 20 years of expertise extends from upstream flow management to end-to-end process optimization and stakeholder involvement. Thanks to this collaborative platform, companies can manage their goods flows and operations with increased efficiency. Our approach, centered on mastery and supplier collaboration, enables companies to meet the challenges of the modern supply chain.

A promising collaboration! 

Bringing teams and processes together, promoting productivity and efficiency gains, raising awareness about the digital transformation of the supply chain and thus developing the skills and effectiveness of brands in the boardsports sector... such is the ambition of e-SCM Solutions!  We thus find the values ​​common to those of EuroSIMA!

e-SCM Solutions, through its collaborative platform, was able to respond to the challenges of one of the biggest specialists in board sports: RIP CURL.  

The challenge of this partnership is therefore to inform brands about digital transformation which will in particular be able to be addressed during workshops offered by the cluster.  


Our interventions will focus on the following aspects: 

  • Supply Chain Optimization : Through various customer feedback, we will be able to discuss key points to improve the supply processes of all players in the chain, from production to delivery.  The digital transformation of the supply chain will make it possible to collect data wherever it is, to obtain this information in real time, to automate processes to increase visibility and provide greater capacity for adaptation to the the entire ecosystem in the event of a hazard.


  • Improved Operational Efficiency : We will see how collaborative platforms allow the different actors in the supply cycle to cross-reference production, compliance and logistics information and thus have a single point of exchange of information.  Digitalization is becoming a major issue for companies seeking to be more agile and resilient in the face of uncertainties.

  • Continuous Innovation : We want to put innovation at the heart of our research to best meet the needs of the boardsports sector and offer services to stay in line with the evolution of supply chain professions!