1 year of “Responsible Digital” certification 


1 year of certification

“Being labeled Responsible Digital is a real business project. It is important that the service offered to our customers can, of course, improve their economic performance, but also support them in their ecological transition. We involve all our employees in this approach, it is an approach of innovation and eco-design which also strengthens our attractiveness by giving meaning to our profession.  


Patrick BOURG, Founding Partner, Belharra / publisher of e-SCM 

The Responsible Digital label commits  the company to a sustainable dynamic


e-SCM deciphers its Responsible Digital label

Go behind the scenes of our Responsible Digital approach! Imagine... a committed company, an active team and a virtuous approach to reduce our environmental footprint in the digital world, does that inspire you?  

In the latest Dinamika podcast from Placéco Pays basque , we reveal the testimony of Patrick BOURG , Founding Partner of Belharra / e-SCM Solutions and Sarah Figura , representative of the responsible digital approach! 

From the birth of our commitment in 2017 until obtaining the Responsible Digital label last year, discover the journey we have taken on the road to CSR. 


A voluntary approach committed to continuous improvement

In March 2023, e-SCM / Belharra obtained the “Responsible Digital” Level 1 label from the LUCIE Agency, recognition for its commitment. It is the fruit of an approach initiated 5 years ago and which takes on its full meaning in the current context of the necessary ecological transition of all economic actors (REEN law, Reduction of the Digital Environmental Footprint).   

At the end of 2017, the company involved its employees in a collective project with a 10-year vision for the company. Collectively build the vision on values, governance, management... hence the idea of ​​becoming a recognized Responsible Digital company is born.   

From 2018 to 2022, e-SCM / Belharra is committed to the “Responsible Digital Business” labeling of the France IT Cluster, while raising awareness among its employees of the environmental footprint of digital technology.  

In 2022, it is launching a process to obtain the new “Responsible Digital (NR)” label from Agence Lucie. It is supported by local partnerships such as Antic Pays Basque and offers awareness (digital fresco) and internal training. An internal NR representative is appointed in June 2022 and will follow two training courses from the LUCIE agency.   

In November 2022, management signs the Responsible Digital Charter of the INR (Institute for Responsible Digital).  

With the Responsible Digital label, e-SCM / Belharra concretizes its commitment to digital sustainability. 

Engagement timeline NR Belharra e-SCM


The e-SCM Responsible Digital roadmap

Our roadmap, established for 2 years, summarizes our commitments and lists the 18 actions that we wish to strengthen as part of our labeling. 

We rely on 4 main axes with the following commitments: 

  • Strategy and governance: The formalization of our NR policy and indicators for monitoring the approach through a document and monitoring dashboards. 
  • Support for the NR strategy to lead and communicate on the approach internally and externally: NR communication plan, dedicated tool for the internal approach, reflection on the sobriety of our communication tools. 
  • Responsible management of our equipment with more precise monitoring of the durability characteristics of the equipment in the inventory and optimization of the performance of our devices. 
  • Products and services: The integration and promotion of NR in our offers and services. 


Progress update on Responsible Digital labeling

The year that has just passed since obtaining our “Responsible Digital” label has been a period rich in achievements and concrete commitments. We have implemented a series of actions aimed at strengthening our digital responsibility and integrating these values ​​into our activities.  

We focused our efforts on formalizing our NR policy, by writing our report on the NR approach and putting in place monitoring indicators with a dashboard to monitor our progress. This transparency has allowed us to better communicate, both internally and externally, on our actions and commitments in terms of responsible digital technology.  

Raising awareness among our teams and partners has also been at the heart of our concerns.  We have implemented awareness-raising actions to share good practices and encourage everyone to adopt responsible behavior in their use of digital technology.

At the same time, we continued to improve our internal processes to reduce our environmental footprint and optimize our resources. In particular, we have implemented responsible management practices for our equipment, by closely monitoring the durability characteristics of the equipment and optimizing the performance of our devices.  

Finally, we have integrated the principles of responsible digital technology into our offers and ensure we integrate them into our service provision. 

“We are proud of the progress we have made to achieve certification and are well aware that there is still work to be done! For us, it is important to continue to move forward in this dynamic and to imagine ever more responsible solutions for the future. »   

Sarah FIGURA NR approach referent, Belharra 

Sarah FIGURA NR approach referent, Belharra