Intersport x e-SCM Conference: A supply strategy centered on the supplier relationship

Succeed in a resilient procurement strategy

The conference bringing together Intersport, e-SCM and Daring highlighted the major challenges companies face in managing their supply chain. Faced with the health crisis, logistical disruptions and increasing raw material prices, the need for increased responsiveness and anticipation of risks has become essential to maintain smooth operations.

We organized the conference “Intersport and the supply strategy centered on the supplier relationship with e-SCM Solution” because we want to share the experience of Intersport which had to rethink its supplier strategy after the Covid and transport crises. As a publisher, we had the opportunity to support them in this process with our e-SCM solution.

Do you want to discover the “feedback” of this project?


Watch the replay of the conference !👉

The repositioning of Intersport in a tense economic context

In a world marked by challenges such as the health crisis, logistics disruptions and price volatility, agility is essential. To face these challenges, a clear vision and increased resilience are essential. Reacting quickly in the event of a crisis has become essential.

At Intersport, faced with the Covid crisis and logistical disruptions, an overhaul of the supply strategy was necessary. By focusing on a closer supplier relationship, the goal was to find solutions to anticipate and resolve potential issues. The implementation of the e-SCM platform was a major turning point.

The key points of the project at Intersport

The e-SCM platform has transformed the way of working at Intersport, simplifying processes, improving communication and strengthening data reliability. It enabled better anticipation of needs, improving visibility on orders and eliminating inefficiencies in manual processes.

However, this transition has not been without challenges. It required an overhaul of processes, reinforced communication and standardization of practices with suppliers. The commitment of internal and external stakeholders as well as effective communication were major keys to success.

In summary, this transformation has shown the importance of anticipation, transparency and collaboration in supply chain management. She also highlighted the significant benefits of technological solutions to remain competitive in an ever-changing market.