Women and Digital in the e-SCM team 

“Being a digital woman for me is completely normal!”


41% women in the e-SCM team!

Women in the digital sector are represented at only 23% in 2023, according to INSEE data.  In the e-SCM team, the female workforce is 41% ! Out of a team of 22 people, the team has 9 women , each bringing diverse profiles, skills and qualities that enrich the team.

We want to encourage young women to enter the fields of IT and engineering. Currently, only 17% are heading towards these sectors and only 6% of female students are in BTS Computer Science.

On Women's Day, the role of women in technology companies is highlighted.


Discover the testimonials of our tech experts!

To the question “What does it mean for you to be a digital woman”, here is what Cathy, Caroline and Sarah answered us:

“Being a woman in Tech, for me, before arriving at Belharra meant being “the only” woman or almost. Since my studies, where we were 6 out of 70 in the 1st year and more than 4 in the final year until my last experience where we represented 10% of the IT workforce, I had never been "surrounded" by so many women since I joined Belharra. » Cathy, e-SCM Solutions Product Manager.


In 3 words: courage, sisterhood and determination! » Caroline, Business Developer Europe.


Women and men have different perspectives and sensitivities, and their complementarity makes it possible to achieve a necessary balance to support the transition to an innovative and sustainable digital model. » Sarah, Marketing Manager.


Let's encourage young women to take the digital wave

In an ever-changing digital world, where demand for diverse skills is growing, it is essential to promote parity in the sector. Initiatives such as femmes@numérique work to combat gender stereotypes and encourage young girls to consider careers in digital professions. Their objective is to raise awareness among the general public, public and private organizations, as well as education and training stakeholders.


With an estimated 232,000 digital jobs currently in ESN and ICT, the need for talent is becoming more and more pressing. The underrepresentation of women in this sector deprives the industry of valuable skills and hinders its economic growth. According to McKinsey , achieving parity could even increase French GDP by 10% by 2025 .

In a rapidly expanding digital world, where innovation is at the heart of growth, skill diversity is essential to meet future challenges. Women play a crucial role in this dynamic, and it is imperative to support and promote their active participation in the technology sector to ensure an inclusive and prosperous future for all.