Textile industry: The 4 key success factors for digitalizing your supply process

digitalize your e-scm supply chain

Growing challenges for the supply chain

Supply chains must evolve and become more resilient , more agile to secure upstream flows and maximize the service rate on the different distribution channels: the right product, in the right place, at the right time.

In addition, consumer demands, amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrate the need for transparent on production traceability

breaking down supply chain silos

Break down supply chain silos

It is necessary to have global visibility of the process and in real time in order to anticipate risks and interact between all internal and external stakeholders more quickly to minimize the impact of a hazard or non-compliance on the procurement process .

The challenge is to adjust short-term forecasts, enrich Quality control protocols, manage costs and delivery times more effectively and, ultimately, improve the level of service.

Supply chain management tools optimize the management of the process, from order to delivery, offer the possibility of reacting in real time to hazards that arise and finding solutions quickly with the various stakeholders.

The 4 key success factors for digitalizing your supply chain

1. Stakeholder engagement

One of the major elements is the commitment of management to support the project and give credit to the desired transformation within the company.

The involvement of all actors in the supply chain, whether internal or external to the organization, is essential to integrate all the data (quality/CSR, suppliers, freight forwarders, transporters, etc.)

The digitalization of the supply chain makes it possible to secure the supply cycle and improve its efficiency by sharing global visibility throughout the process.

2. Rapid and controlled deployment

In order to maintain control of the deployment, the initialization of the project starts with standard settings and a connection to the company's information system.

Specific business workshops are held to adjust the settings and check the data through successive iterations.

Support facilitates appropriation of the solution by business teams and accelerates change management among all stakeholders.

For a gradual ramp-up, the deployment is then generalized to all Product divisions and all stakeholders in the supply chain.



3. A reorganization of the supply chain process

In order to optimize the end-to-end supply chain, implementing a digital tool remains an essential means but not the only one! It is necessary to rethink the organization of the process as a whole for greater efficiency and to involve all stakeholders in a transversal manner: Quality, CSR, production, transport, for a global vision of the supply process.



4. Towards more added value for supply functions

Supply teams still manage a lot of work manually, consolidation, verification, data review. With the implementation of digital tools, employees acquire new skills and focus on higher value-added tasks.

Missions are evolving to focus more on decision-making , consultation and stakeholder engagement. Jobs are becoming more specialized. Experience shows that learning by doing is a good way to involve teams.

start digitalizing your supply chain

Where to start ?

Brands wishing to embark on the digitalization of their supply chain must start by identifying the strategic priorities of the process and defining clear improvement objectives. They must then think about how to integrate all the actors in the chain in a cross-functional manner to support them in this transformation.


The implementation of a tool dedicated to the optimization and management of the Supply Chain is an obvious success factor for structuring processes, standardizing actions and managing operations.


The e-SCM solution has established itself today as a reference solution for supply management. The feedback from our customers proves it!


e-SCM is a collaborative cloud solution that integrates all data on a single platform, in real time, enables 360° supply chain transparency. It is aimed at brands and integrates all actors in the chain: internally (supply functions, purchasing, quality, CSR) and externally (suppliers, factories, transporters, etc.). It easily connects with your information system (ERP, PLM) and your data sources.


The right information at the right time

e-SCM helps you make the right decisions to anticipate risks and secure your process. The supervision dashboard offers a 360° view to manage your supplies in real time.

The intuitive and ergonomic interface of e-SCM facilitates membership and allows you to be operational in less than 4 months. The benefits are visible from the first season: