How to secure and make your upstream supply chain more agile?

How to respond to transformation challenges to secure and make your supply chain more agile?

The question of supply chain transformation and the use of technology to optimize operations arises. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become essential for fashion brands to work faster with suppliers around the world to quickly meet consumer demand. Linear operating methods are obsolete and brands must learn to work differently as a team. Suppliers must be placed at the center of the relationship and are now considered true partners rather than participants in a simple transaction.   


Faced with these problems, it is necessary to act in particular through two actions. Firstly, the challenge is to secure its supply chain and then to make it more agile to improve its service rate.   

A major challenge for the Fashion & Luxury sector

Managing your supply chain while limiting risks and dysfunctions has become complex . An error in a single step can impact the rest of the chain, like a domino effect.

So to secure this supply chain, it is important to:  


○ Diversify sourcing areas . This diversification ensures monitoring and security at the supplier level. This first point is essential for 84% of French companies who wish to evolve their purchasing strategy in terms of risk analysis and supplier portfolio (according to JLL, in its article “Supply Chain Transformation: 3 major challenges in 2023 ! ) .


○ Produce as accurately as possible and on time. Faced with the abundance of products, this idea responds not only to an environmental approach but also to securing its supply chain. Without excess products, errors or the risk of errors in the production part are reduced.


Meet quality and compliance requirements. By structuring production and meeting quality and compliance requirements, production and all stages of the supply chain will thus be optimized, always with the aim of limiting risks. 


○ Optimizing logistics and transport times  is an objective not to be missed.

Agility your supply chain to improve your service rate

Increasing visibility throughout the chain, monitoring data in real time, making the right decisions at the right time and encouraging discussions with stakeholders are the keys to making your supply chain more agile and improving your service rate.  


Our  e-SCM solution collaborative platform that allows different stakeholders in the same process to centralize information and thus avoid searching for information in endless and time-consuming email threads. The tool will thus improve supply performance .



Indeed, the current context, the Covid-19 pandemic, has highlighted the importance of  resilience in businesses. In order to adapt to changes, it is essential to consider the digital transformation of the supply chain. It will make it possible to collect data wherever it is, to obtain this information in real time, to automate  processes to increase visibility and provide greater capacity for adaptation to the entire ecosystem by case of hazard.



Today, customers and end consumers do not realize that the products pass through the hands of more than fifty companies which are partners and subcontractors of the brand.  Collaborative platforms like e -SCM production , compliance and logistics information and to have a single point of exchange of information. This will prevent them from wasting time reconstructing the data and will encourage them to focus on analysis to make better decisions and deliver their goods on time.


In summary, the  digitalization of the supply chain is a major challenge for companies seeking to be more agile and resilient in the face of uncertainties.

To find out more about our e-SCM solution and how it meets current challenges, you can watch the replay of our webinar.