Fashion & Tech: Supplier Relations

Fashion & Tech: Supplier Relations at the heart of the supply strategy

In the dynamic world of fashion and luxury, supply chain management is crucial to organizational success. The supplier relationship plays an essential role at the heart of this chain. Relationship management can have a major impact on the performance, quality of products and services, as well as the profitability of a brand operating in this competitive sector.


Supply chain management platforms, such as e-SCM , have a key role in effective supplier relationship management.

From supplier relationship to strategic partner

In the world of fashion and luxury, the supplier relationship is not limited to a simple transaction, but evolves into a strategic partnership. Companies that cultivate a relationship based on trust and transparency with their suppliers are better equipped to deal with volatile trends and market uncertainty.


In an economy of competitiveness and innovation, the role of suppliers is not only to provide products and services. They have become full partners of the company and help brands create value and differentiate themselves.

The benefits of strategic supplier relationship management

Controlled Product Quality : The Quality module of the e-SCM platform allows complete monitoring of internal and external quality controls. It facilitates test management by ensuring end-to-end monitoring, from creation to result capture, to ensure compliance with customer and regulatory requirements. By using e-SCM, anomalies are detected early, allowing rapid implementation of corrective solutions. In addition, the centralization of data offers a global vision of the quality process.


Co-creation and innovation : e-SCM has set up a User club which constitutes a privileged space where customers come together to share their experiences, ideas and innovations about the supply chain. This club allows participants to create synergies and discuss daily challenges related to their field. It represents a valuable community for those who want to stay at the forefront of future developments and trends in the supply chain.

Risk management : Deep knowledge of suppliers and their practices allows for better management of supply chain risks.

e-SCM allows you to centralize all supplier-related information in one place. This includes performance data, contracts, purchase histories, certifications and much more. With this centralization, brands have quick and easy access to essential information, making it easier to make informed decisions and resolve problems in real time.

Cost optimization : Close collaboration can lead to preferential pricing agreements and operational savings, through a mutual understanding of quality requirements and budgetary constraints. e-SCM allows you to rely on a “transparent” supplier relationship to optimize your costs.

The pillars of effective supplier relationship management

Communications transparency : e-SCM provides online collaboration capabilities, allowing suppliers and brands to communicate and collaborate effectively. Discussions, document sharing and updates can happen on a single platform, reducing delays caused by fragmented communications.

Continuous evaluation and performance monitoring : One of the major strengths of e-SCM lies in its ability to monitor supplier performance in real time. Brands can set specific KPIs and receive alerts on deviations. This enables continuous assessment of quality, on-time delivery and other critical aspects of the supplier relationship.

Our users testify...

According to PHB Group , manufacturer and user of the platform: “Thanks to e-SCM, the partnership approach with brands allows us to have the vision throughout the process and has made us gain in efficiency, in time and also in the relationship with our client. For clients, e-SCM gives a 360° view of everything that is happening! ".


For Eden Park : “The e-SCM platform quickly gained support from all users, including Suppliers who also saw immediate interest in it at their level.”

Impact on the overall success of fashion and luxury brands

In the textile industry, supplier relationship management goes beyond transactions to create mutually beneficial partnerships. This approach strengthens brands’ ability to confront challenges and gain a competitive advantage. Careful management of this relationship can reduce production delays, increase customer satisfaction and improve resilience to hazards, thereby contributing to the growth of a brand.


In a constantly evolving environment, supplier relationship management becomes a key element of success. By investing in this practice, brands build lasting relationships that shape their journey towards operational and strategic excellence in the demanding fashion and luxury sector.