Tricolor X Belharra Collective: Development of a traceability tool dedicated to the national wool sector


On May 12 and 13, the actors of the TRICOLOR gathered for the Tricolor days “two days to take part in the challenges of the French wool sectors”.

Four workshops took place covering the four pillar values ​​of Tricolor: quality, responsibility, fairness, traceability. Belharra SAS hosted the latter by sharing the challenges of the project to develop a traceability tool for the French wool industry.

Traceability at the heart of the wool sector to bring together stakeholders

Tricolor Arles DaysThe objective is to develop a digital tool for collecting and reporting traceability data throughout the Supply Chain.

The ambition of this project is to bring together stakeholders in the sector .


The challenges of this tool for the stakeholders of the Tricolor collective are as follows:

  • Coordinate all the stakeholders of the Tricolor Collective to promote its product throughout its manufacturing and delivery
  • Manage Quality indicators for continuous improvement
  • Restore, from its product, all the information which demonstrates, in transparency, compliance with its CSR commitments

A Traceability workshop that covers all the issues of the project

Tricolor Arles DaysThe Traceability workshop allowed us to discuss several concepts.

We first discussed the different registered trademarks, textile labels and certifications which allow us to highlight the specificities of French wool in addition to the common base of Tricolor values.

Then, Joséphine Weil from CCK Avocats presented the approach and the process for geographical indications which protect industrial and artisanal products.

Michaël Dal Grande from Naturfasern and Bastien Chesaux from the Egotrace solution presented their feedback and their collaboration for the registered brand Mérinos d'Arles Sélection ©.

Finally, Patrick Bourg and Pantxika Ospital from Belharra SAS presented the traceability tool for the Tricolor sector.

In conclusion, we shared our visions to build together an application that will be beneficial for everyone.

Full traceability of raw materials from breeding

The restitution of information will be done through the Tricolor Digital Matter Passport. This passport allows the information presented on the product label to be increased dynamically.

Associated with a single product or a manufacturing batch, it brings together information on transformations throughout the supply chain in complete transparency.


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Supply Chain management, with e-SCM solutions, strengthens the traceability of operations to improve the performance of brands and meet the obligation of transparency on their CSR commitments.